Education for the Mind and Heart
The theme of this magazine “Education for the Mind and Heart” truly encapsulates both our mission and our strategic planning goals at Bluffton. University...
As you read the following stories, ponder this quote attributed to Aristotle, “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.”

During the 2020-21 academic year, two sections of Bluffton’s first-year Becoming a Scholar class piloted a new program called Design Your Life (DYL). Using elements of a curriculum originally developed at Stanford University and modified for Bluffton undergraduates, DYL helps students get more out of (instead of just cramming more into) their college experience.

What attributes lead to a successful career? Is raw intelligence key or are relational skills such as empathy more important in the workplace? These are questions George Lehman originally explored as a student at Case Western Reserve University, and they’re questions Lehman is still exploring at Bluffton as he takes on a new role focused on emotional intelligence.
Three food and nutrition alumni have recently been reunited in their efforts to improve health and well-being. Heather (Schierer ’13) Davis, Amber (Swaney ’12) Anderson and Jessica (McDonald ’12) Pence all work for New York-based telehealth company Fruit Street.
James Grandey is head baseball coach and deputy athletic director at Bluffton.
After a pause on the construction process for the Knowlton Science Center due to the pandemic which impacted the timing for bridge financing, Bluffton University continues to move forward with construction anticipated to begin this September.