Thursday morning chapel

Get involved

Students are instrumental in planning the voluntary weekly chapel worship services.

Ministry team

Become a ministry assistant

Ministry assistants help students get involved in campus ministries and activities. Assistants are chosen through an application and interview process.

Spiritual Life

With students from 28 different denominations, 20 states and 10 countries, our campus is very diverse, Shaped by Mennonite values of respect, peacemaking and service, we believe there is great value when people of different backgrounds come together to create one community.

We seek to shape our worship and ministries in ways that are welcoming and meaningful to all students, regardless of their background.

Chapel and Worship

Chalsi Campbell serves as Bluffton’s campus pastor 

Chapel service

Chapel services are held each Thursday at 11 a.m. in Yoder Recital Hall. While chapel attendance is not required, it is a privilege and a blessing to be able to worship together as a campus community. Our chapel services are planned by a team of students, faculty and staff, who involve a variety of people in carrying out the service including guest speakers and musical groups.

Students make up the worship band that leads music at chapel services and other worship events. The band is led by students and practices are held on Wednesday night. If you would like to sing or play in the worship band at chapel, please let us know by filling out the interest form below.

Students are also encouraged to get involved with a local church of their choice. A list of area churches is available through the campus ministries office or your ministry assistant. 

Fellowship groups, service groups, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Bible studies and Spiritual Life Weeks are just a few of the opportunities offered through the spiritual life office.

Chapel and worship interest and involvement form

Please let us know if you would like to be involved in planning or presenting chapel or if you have suggestions for worship.

Student type
Get involved
Use your talents and gifts in Chapel! Let us know how you would like to be involved (check all that apply)
I would like to
If you marked "worship band" please specify vocal or instrument (and which instrument)
If you marked "special music" please specify solo, group or instrument (and which instrument)
If you marked "other" please specify:
Which kind of music do you prefer in a worship service (check one):
Thursday morning chapel

Get involved

Students are instrumental in planning the voluntary weekly chapel worship services.

Ministry team

Become a ministry assistant

Ministry assistants help students get involved in campus ministries and activities. Assistants are chosen through an application and interview process.
