Homecoming Week 2023

Homecoming 2023

Get Excited for Homecoming 2023
Oct. 16-22

Crisp air. Bright blue skies. Trees showing their colors. It must be time for Homecoming!

Homecoming week events
Monday, Oct. 16 - pajama Day
Bluffton BINGO 9:30 p.m. Bob's Place
tuesday, Oct. 17 - Jersey Day
Sign making for Defiance soccer game 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Kiva
Esports vs. Chardon State College 7 p.m. Overwatch
Wednesday, Oct. 18 - black out Day
Men’s soccer vs. Defiance 3:30 p.m. Soccer field
Volleyball vs. Mt. St. Joseph 7 p.m. Sommer Center
Bonfire 8 p.m. Fire Pit by Library Lawn
Thursday, Oct. 19 - Throwback Day
Chapel 11 a.m. Bob's Place
Powder Puff game
Sponsored by MAC, SAAC and FCA
8 p.m. Alumni Field
Friday, Oct. 20 - Class-color Day
Purple ’24, White ’25, Black ’26, Gray ’27
Swim vs. Hiram 6 p.m. Lima YMCA
Volleyball vs. Hanover 7 p.m. Sommer Center
Paint U 8 p.m. Neufeld Lawn
Saturday, Oct. 21 - Purple and White Day
Art Show Reception 10 a.m. Sauder Visual Arts Center
Beaver Tail-Gating
2023 Rally towel, zipline, golf simulator, and free t-shirt to first 100 students!
10 a.m.-1 p.m. Salzman Stadium
Chapel 10:30 a.m. Yoder Recital Hall
Food Truck Extravaganza 11 a.m. Salzman Stadium
Football vs. Manchester 1:30 p.m. Salzman Stadium
Beaver glow party on Vine Street
Come to town to celebrate the Homecoming weekend with alumni, students and faculty at the end of a busy day! Free food and glow putt-putt. Drinks available for purchase.
8 p.m.  Vine Street (by Greenhorn)
Sunday, Oct. 22
Instrumental Concert 2:30 p.m. Yoder Recital Hall

Alumni receive special invitations to The Beaver Reunion: Homecoming 2023. Special events begins with Reunion Zero on Friday night for the just graduated class of 2023. 
