

The mathematics department embraces the Bluffton University institutional goal of emphasizing individual inquiry, critical thinking and lifelong learning.

For mathematics majors, we maintain a program that guarantees both depth and breadth. Each student is required to study several areas of mathematics to a depth reasonable for an undergraduate. A program goal is that majors can choose from a wide variety of vocations and professions that value analytical reasoning, mathematical knowledge and problem-solving skills. Our program endeavors to prepare students for graduate school or for positions in business, industry, actuarial mathematics or teaching. We anticipate that some of our graduates will find careers in other professional positions as diverse as law, music and the pastorate.

A related goal of the mathematics program is to provide service to other departments by offering courses in mathematics appropriate for students in business, social sciences, physical and life sciences and early childhood and intervention specialist majors.
More about mathematics at Bluffton...


(43 hours)
Bluffton University placement tests and advanced placement tests taken in high school will be considered to assist appropriate placement and potential credit or waivers. The following courses are required:
MAT 135 Calculus 1 (5) satisfies Critical Analysis competency
MAT 136 Calculus 2 (5)
MAT 220 Discrete Mathematics (3)
MAT 225 Multivariate Calculus (3)
MAT 230 Linear Algebra (3)
MAT 211 Introductory Geometry (3)
MAT 312 Advanced Geometry (alternate year) (3)
MAT 332 Abstract Algebra (alternate year) (3)
MAT 340 Probability and Statistics (3)
MAT 350 Differential Equations and Modeling (alternate year) (3)
MAT 360 Operations Research (alternate year) (3)
MAT 401 Analysis 1 (alternate year) (3)
CPS 108 Computer Programming (3)

CPS 320 and PHY 211 are strongly recommended for all mathematics majors.

Restrictions and alternatives
MAT 390 may be considered as an elective in mathematics and is repeatable as distinct investigations. At least one upper level mathematics course shall be taken during the senior year. Departmental honors may be sought by a student majoring in mathematics by way of an approved plan of independent studies.

License to teach mathematics

Students interested in teaching mathematics in middle school must complete a middle childhood education major with mathematics as one of the two areas of concentration.

Adolescent/young adult licensure in integrated mathematics

Students who wish to teach mathematics in secondary school should complete a mathematics major along with the following professional education courses for an adolescent/young adult license in integrated mathematics.

Required professional education courses:  (37 hours)
EDU 200 Introduction to Teaching in a Diverse Society (3)
EDU 205 Field Experience (1)
EDU 220 Curriculum and Assessment (2)
EDU 305 Content Area Literacy/General Methods (3)
EDU 332 Social and Philosophical Issues in Education(3)
EDU 333 Urban Education Seminar (1)
EDU 353 Educational Psychology & Instructional Practices(3)
MAT 380 Mathematics and Methods Seminar (2)
SED 228 Introduction to Students with Mild/Moderate Educational Needs (3)
EDU 404 Adolescent/Young Adult Special Methods: Mathematics (2)

All of the previously listed professional education courses, plus the completion of all licensure area course work, are prerequisites for student teaching: 
EDU 416 Pre Student Teaching (1)
EDU 451 Student Teaching: Adolescent/Young Adult (13)



(19 hours)
MAT 135 Calculus 1 (5)
MAT 136 Calculus 2 (5)


Select at least three of the following mathematics courses, with at least one numbered above 300, for a minimum total of 9 semester hours. Substitutions with other upper-level mathematics courses will be considered in special cases.

MAT 220 Discrete Mathematics (3)
MAT 225 Multivariate Calculus (3)
MAT 230 Linear Algebra (3)
MAT 340 Probability and Statistics (3)
MAT 350 Differential Equations and Modeling (3)
MAT 360 Operations Research (3)
CPS 320 Numerical Analysis (3)

Computer Science minor

(18-19 hours)
The computer science minor allows students desiring a computer background within another major to obtain a solid foundation in the field.

Required computer science courses: (12 hours)
CPS 108 Computer Programming (3)
CPS 112 Object Oriented Programming with Applied Data Structures (3)
CPS 322 Database Systems (3)
CPS 343 Network and Systems Administration (3)

Two additional courses must be taken from the following list: (6-7 hours)
CPS 320 Numerical Analysis (3)
CPS 333 Systems Programming (3)
CPS 352 Digital Electronics and Computers (4)  

If the student’s major requires any of the above courses, those courses can count for both the major and the computer science minor.

July 2024
