


Bluffton University provides educator preparation programs at the baccalaureate and master’s degree level that are 1) approved by the Ohio Department of Higher Education, 2) include a minimum of 12 weeks of full-time pre-service student teaching and 3) provides pedagogical coursework or assistance in the provision of such coursework. 

The education department offers educator preparation programs for students wishing to teach early childhood-pre-K,  Primary P-5 (Pre-K-5), middle childhood (4-9), adolescent/young adult (7-12), multi-age (Pre-K-12) and intervention specialist (Mild/Moderate:K-12). Students may choose a major in Child Development, Early Childhood PreK, Primary P-5, Middle Childhood Education or Intervention Specialist within the Education Department or choose a major in another discipline with the addition of an adolescent/young adult or multi-age teacher licensure program.

Students in the Primary (P-5) program may also complete requirements for an intervention specialist licensure (K-12) as an intervention specialist for children with mild to moderate disabilities or this program may be completed as a major with no additional licensure. 

Students with majors outside the education department may minor in Education Studies, which is for students who plan to work in settings where there are educational opportunities (e.g. training, tutoring, program development, religious education, etc.) or Special Education, which is for students who are interested in working with people with disabilities whether in their major field or as a service.

Endorsements are available to be added to a teaching license and include: PreK Special Needs (added to Primary (P-5) and Intervention Specialist licenses); Middle Childhood Generalist (4-6):  Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, and Math (added to Middle Childhood licenses), and TESOL: K-12 (added to any license). A prospective teacher must complete a major, approved courses in the chosen licensure areas, and education and professional licensure requirements for the state of Ohio.

Any student who wishes to pursue a program of educator preparation at Bluffton University must seek approval through the educator preparation office. Application must be made (on forms obtained while enrolled in EDU 200) in three stages: 1) admission to the educator preparation program (first-year student/sophomore); 2) admission to student teaching (junior); and 3) recommendation for licensure (senior). Criteria used in considering admission to educator preparation include: declaration of major, overall GPA (2.70 minimum), GPA in the major area (2.70 minimum), evidence of reading, writing and mathematics proficiency, test scores, completed educator preparation application, recommendations from faculty and various administrative personnel of the university and BCI/FBI clearance. Detailed information is available in the Educator Preparation Program Handbook. Licensure from the Ohio Department of Education requires the completion of all program requirements and meeting the state-approved score on appropriate Ohio Assessments for Educators.

Any course taken within the student's licensure area, major, general and professional education programs must be passed with at least a grade of C-.  In addition at least a 2.70 cumulative and major GPA is required for graduation.

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The student may select a major in Child Development, Early Childhood Pre-K, Primary P-5, Middle Childhood Education, Intervention Specialist or in another discipline with adolescent/young adult, or multi-age licensure.

Child Development

(48-51 hours)
COM 195 Interpersonal Communication (3) satisfies Speaking and Listening competency
EDU 200 Introduction to Teaching in a Diverse Society (3)
EDU 205 Field Experience: Early Childhood (1)
EDU 283 Teaching Reading through Literature  (3) Satisfies Critical Analysis competency
EDU 288 Developmental Curriculum: Learning and the Arts (3) Satisfies Creative Expression competency
EDU 332 Social and Philosophical Issues in Education (3)
EDU 333 Urban Education Seminar (1)
EDU 356 Early Childhood Practicum: Preschool (3)
EDU 384 Child Development Practicum (1)
HFS 135 Recreation Games & Social Recreation (3)
HFS 220 Personal and Community Health Concerns (3)
BENV 300 Cross-cultural / Service Learning Experience (3)
  or 6 hours of foreign language (6)
NTR 225 Fundamentals of Nutrition (3)
   or NTR 335 Public Health Nutrition and Policy (3)
PSY 110 Introduction to Psychology (3) Satisfies Understanding Self and Society competency
PSY 235 Developmental Psychology (3)
SED 228 Intro. to the Education of Students with Mild/Moderate Educational Needs (3)
SED 235 Language Development for Diverse Learners (3)
One upper-level Sociology course (3)

Recommended course:
SED 230 Diagnosis and Education Planning (3)

Early Childhood: Prekindergarten

(59 hours)
EDU 200 Intro to Teaching/Div. Society (3)
EDU 205 Field Experience (1)
EDU 220 Curriculum and Assessment (2)
EDU 283 Teaching Reading through Literature (3)
EDU 286 Phonics & Word Identification (4)
EDU 288 Dev. Curriculum: Learn & Arts (3)
EDU 303 Computers and Tech in Ed. (2)
EDU 332 Social & Philosophical Issues (3)
EDU 333 Urban Education Seminar (1)
EDU 335 Teaching & Assessing Reading (3)
EDU 353 Ed. Psychology & Instructional Practices (3)
EDU 356 Early Childhood Pre-School Practicum (3)
EDU 358 Early Childhood Dev and Program (3)
EDU 441 Intensive Field Experience: PreK (8)
SED 228 Intro to M/M (3)
SED 235 Language Development (3)
SED 384 Methods/Materials Div. Learners (3)
HFS 220 Personal Health (3)
PSY 110 Intro to Psychology (3)

Primary p-5 (Pre-k-5)

(74 hours)
EDU 200 Introduction to Teaching in a Diverse Society (3)
EDU 205 Early Field Experience (1)
EDU 220 Curriculum and Assessment (2)
EDU 283 Teaching Reading Through Literature (3) Satisfies Critical Analysis competency
EDU 285 Phonics and Word Identification (3)
EDU 288 Developmental Curriculum: Learning and the Arts 
EDU 303 Computers and Technology in Education (2)
EDU 305 Content Area Literacy (3)
EDU 321 Elementary Education Curriculum and Instruction: Mathematics (3)
EDU 322 Elementary Education Curriculum and Instruction: Science (3)
EDU 323 Elementary Education Curriculum and Instruction: Social Studies (3)
EDU 332 Social and Philosophical Issues in Education (3)
EDU 333 Urban Education Seminar (1)
EDU 335 Teaching & Assessing Reading (3)
EDU 353 Ed Psychology & Instructional Practice (3)
EDU 356 Early Childhood Practicum: Preschool (3)
ENG 210 Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages: Theories and Issues (3)
      or ENG 220 Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages: Methods and Assessment (3)
HFS 220 Personal and Community Health Concerns (3) satisfies Living Well competency
PSY 110 Introduction to Psychology (3) Satisfies Understanding Self and Society competency
SED 228 Introduction to Education of Students with Mild/Moderate Educational Needs (3)
SED 230 Diagnosis and Educational Planning (3)
SED 384 Methods/Materials for Diverse Learners (3)

Required for licensure:
EDU 416 Pre Student Teaching (1)
EDU 443 Student Teaching: Primary (P-5) (13)

Middle Childhood Education (4-9)

(51 hours)
EDU 200 Introduction to Teaching in a Diverse Society (3)
EDU 205 Field Experience (1)
EDU 220 Curriculum and Assessment (2)
EDU 285 Phonics and Word Identification (3)
EDU 297 Teaching Reading through Literature in Middle Childhood (3)
EDU 303 Computers & Technology in Education (2)
EDU 305 Content Area Literacy (3)
EDU 332 Social and Philosophical Issues in Education (3)
EDU 333 Urban Education Seminar (1)
EDU 335 Teaching & Assessing Reading (3)
EDU 353 Educational Psychology & Instructional Practices (3)
PSY 110 Introduction to Psychology (3) Satisfies Understanding Self and Society competency
SED 228 Introduction to Students with Mild/Moderate Educational Needs (3)

Required for licensure:
EDU 416 Pre Student Teaching (1)
EDU 450 Student Teaching: Middle Childhood (13)

Liberal arts and science requirements for licensure are met through the university general education program. Students working toward teaching licensure must follow the Bluffton University teacher education approved program of course work in the subject field in which licensure for teaching is sought. This program may not necessarily correspond with the university requirements for a major or with minimum state requirements. Specific requirements for each teaching field may be found in the  Educator Preparation Program Handbook, from an academic advisor or from the director of teacher education.

Choose two of the following, based on concentration
EDU 405 Middle Childhood Methods: Language Arts (2)
EDU 406 Middle Childhood Methods: Science (2)
EDU 407 Middle Childhood Methods: Social Studies (2)
EDU 408 Middle Childhood Methods: Math (2)

In addition, completion of two areas of concentration is required. Students complete either language arts and social studies, or mathematics and science.

Language arts concentration (21 hours)
CMP 110/120 College English (3) satisfies Writing Well competency
ENG 160 Approaches to Literature (3)
ENG 240 Survey of American Literature (3)

Choose one:
ENG 256 Survey of English Literature 1 (3) satisfies Critical Analysis competency
ENG 257 Survey of English Literature 2 (3) satisfies Critical Analysis competency

Choose one:
ENG 252 Introduction to Linguistics (3)
ENG 271 English Grammar (3)

Choose one:
COM 120 Communication and the Common Good (3) satisfies Speaking and Listening competency
THE 257 Performance Studies (3)

Choose one:
ENG 202 Creative Writing: Fiction (3) satisfies Creative Expression competency 
ENG 203 Creative Writing: Poetry (3) satisfies Creative Expression competency 
ENG 205 Creative Writing: Nonfiction (3) satisfies Creative Expression competency 

Mathematics concentration (20-21 hours)
Take two of the following based on placement:
MAT 114 Precalculus (4)
MAT 135 Calculus 1 (5) satisfies Critical Analysis competency
MAT 136 Calculus 2 (5)

MAT 211 Introductory Geometry (3)
MAT 220 Discrete Mathematics (3)
MAT 380 Mathematics and Methods Seminar (2)
EDU 321 Elementary Education (P-5) Curriculum and Instruction: Mathematics (3)

Science concentration (23-24 hours)
BIO 105 The Biological World (4) satisfies Scientific Inquiry competency
EDU 322 Science: Curriculum & Instruction (3)
PHY 105 The Physical World (4)
PHY 202 Astronomy (4)
PHY 203 Earth Science (4)

Choose one:
CEM 105 Experiential Chemistry (4)
CEM 121 General Inorganic Chemistry (5)

Social studies concentration (24 hours)
ECN 141 Principles of Macroeconomics (3) satisfies Understanding Self and Society competency     
EDU 323 Primary (P-5) Curriculum and Instruction: Social Studies (3)  
GEO 111 Principles of Geography (3)
HIS 200 Foundations of American Civilization (3) satisfies Exploring the Past competency
HIS 201 The Making of Contemporary America (3)
HIS 210 World History 1 (3)
HIS 212 World History 2 (3)
PLS 100 Introduction to Politics (3)

Intervention Specialist

(75 hours)
Students interested in licensure in special education may complete the intervention specialist program for persons with mild to moderate disabilities (K-12).

EDU 200 Introduction to Teaching in a Diverse Society (3)
EDU 205 Field Experience (1)
EDU 220 Curriculum and Assessment (2)
EDU 283 Teaching Reading Through Literature Elementary Education (P-5) (3)
  or EDU 297 Teaching Reading Through Literature: Middle Childhood (3)  
  Both satisfy Critical Analysis competency
EDU 285 Phonics and Word Identification (3)
EDU 303 Computers and Technology in Education (2)
EDU 305 Content Area Literacy/General Methods (3)
EDU 321 Elementary Education (P-5) Curriculum and Instruction: Mathematics (3)
EDU 322 Elementary Education (P-5) Curriculum and Instruction: Science (3)
EDU 323 Elementary Education (P-5) Curriculum and Instruction: Social Studies (3)
EDU 332 Social and Philosophical Issues in Education (3)
EDU 333 Urban Education Seminar (1)
EDU 335 Teaching & Assessing Reading (3)
EDU 353 Ed Psychology & Instructional Practices (3)
ENG 210 Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages: Theories and Issues (3)
     or ENG 220 Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages: Methods and Assessment (3)
PSY 110 Introduction to Psychology (3) Satisfies Understanding Self and Society competency
SED 228 Introduction to Education of Students with Mild/Moderate Educational Needs (3)
SED 235 Language Development (3)
SED 230 Diagnosis and Educational Planning for Special Needs Children (3)
SED 344 IS Classroom Organization (2)
SED 380 Methods and Materials for MC/AYA (2)
SED 384 Methods and Materials for Diverse Learners (3)

Required for licensure:
EDU 416 Pre Student Teaching (1)
SED 453 Student Teaching: Intervention Specialist (12)

Adolescent/Young Adult

(35-37 education hours)
Students who wish to obtain an Ohio teaching license for adolescent/young adult (7-12) must complete the following professional education courses in addition to the licensure area, general education and major requirements:

EDU 200 Introduction to Teaching in a Diverse Society (3)
EDU 205 Field Experience (1)
EDU 220 Curriculum and Assessment (2)
EDU 303 Computers and Technology in Education (2) (not required for Math AYA students)
EDU 305 Content Area Literacy/General Methods (3)
EDU 332 Social and Philosophical Issues in Education (3)
EDU 333 Urban Education Seminar (1)
EDU 353 Educational Psychology and Instructional Practices (3)
SED 228 Introduction to Students with Mild/Moderate Educational Needs (3)

Choose one of the following:
EDU 401 Adolescent/Young Adult Special Methods: Language Arts (2)
EDU 403 Adolescent/Young Adult Special Methods: Social Studies (2)
EDU 404 Adolescent/Young Adult Special Methods: Math (2)

All of the previously listed professional education courses, plus the completion of all coursework in the major of the licensure area, are prerequisites for student teaching:
EDU 416 Pre Student Teaching (1)
EDU 451 Student Teaching: Adolescent/Young Adult (13)

Liberal arts and science requirements for licensure are met through the university general education program. Students working toward teaching licensure must follow the Bluffton University educator preparation approved program of course work in the subject field in which licensure for teaching is sought. This program may not necessarily correspond with the university requirements for a major or with minimum state requirements. Specific requirements for each teaching field may be found in the Educator Preparation Program Handbook, from an academic advisor or from the director of teacher education.

The subject fields in which students may seek licensure are: 
Integrated language arts (English)
Integrated mathematics (Mathematics)
Integrated social studies (History)
Students should consult with the education department about licensure programs no later than the sophomore year to insure completion of requirements during a four-year period.

Multi-age education

(36-38 education hours)
Students who wish to obtain an Ohio teaching license for visual arts or health/physical education multi-age (Pre-K-12) must complete the following professional education courses in addition to the licensure area, general education and major requirements:

EDU 200 Introduction to Teaching in a Diverse Society (3)
EDU 205 Field Experience (1)
EDU 220 Curriculum & Assessment (2)
EDU 303 Computers & Technology in Education (2) 
EDU 305 Content Area Literacy/General Methods (3)
EDU 332 Social and Philosophical Issues in Education (3)
EDU 333 Urban Education Seminar (1)
EDU 353 Educational Psychology and Instructional Practices (3)
PSY 110 Introduction to Psychology (3) Satisfies Understanding Self and Society competency
SED 228 Introduction to Students with Mild/Moderate Educational Needs (3)

All of the previously listed professional education courses, plus the completion of at least 80 percent of the licensure area course work, are prerequisites for student teaching.

Required for licensure:
EDU 416 Pre Student Teaching (1)
EDU 452 Student Teaching: Multi-age (13)

Liberal arts and science requirements for licensure are met through the university general education program. Students working toward teaching licensure must follow the Bluffton University teacher education approved program of course work in the subject field in which licensure for teaching is sought. This program may not necessarily correspond with the university requirements for a major or with minimum state requirements. Specific requirements for each teaching field may be found in the Educator Preparation Program Handbook, from an academic advisor or from the director of teacher education.

The subject fields in which students may seek multi-age (Pre-K-12) licensure are:
Health and physical education
Visual arts
In addition to the previous courses, students pursuing the Visual Arts Multi-Age License take EDU 324 Foundations for Teaching Visual Arts.

Students should consult with the education department about licensure programs no later than the sophomore year to insure completion of requirements during a four-year period.


Education Studies

(20 hours)
EDU 200 Introduction to Teaching in a Diverse Society (3)
EDU 220 Curriculum & Assessment (2)
EDU 303 Computers & Technology in Education (2)
EDU 332 Social and Philosophical Issues in Education (3)
EDU 333 Urban Education Seminar (1)
EDU 353 Educational Psychology and Instructional Practices (3)
PSY 110 Introduction to Psychology (3)
SED 228 Introduction to Students with Mild/Moderate Educational Needs (3)

EDU 378 Internship (1-2)

Special Education

(19 hours)
PSY 110 Introduction to Psychology (3) 
SED 228 Introduction to Education of Students with Mild/Moderate Educational Needs (3)
SED 230 Diagnosis and Educational Planning (3)
SED 235 Language Development for Diverse Learners (3)
SED 344 Classroom Organization: Intervention Specialist (2)
SED 380 Methods/Materials for MC/AYA (2)
SED 384 Methods/Materials for Diverse Learners (3)


PRE-K SPECIAL NEEDS ENDORSEMENT (21 hours) may be added to the Primary (P-5) and Intervention Specialist license. 

Completion of Intervention Specialist or Primary (P-5) licensure programs.

EDU 358 Early Childhood Development & Programming (3)
PSY 110 Introduction to Psychology (3)
SED 228 Introduction to Education of Students with Mild/Mod. Educational Needs (3)
SED 230 Diagnosis and Educational Planning (3)
SED 235 Reading and Language Instruction for Diverse Learners (3)
EDU 356 Early Childhood Preschool Practicum (3)
SED 383 Early Intervention Practicum (3)

MIDDLE CHILDHOOD GENERALIST ENDORSEMENT may be added to a middle childhood license and prepares candidates to teach the subjects in grades 4-6.

 Language Arts and Reading (11 hours)
COM 120 Communication for the Common Good (3)
CMP 110 College English (3)
      or CMP 120 Advanced College English (3)
EDU 405 Middle Childhood Special Methods: Language Arts (2)
ENG 160 Approaches to Literature (3)     

Mathematics (7 hours)
EDU 321 Primary (P-5) Curriculum and Instruction: Mathematics (3)
EDU 408 Middle Childhood Methods: Mathematics (2)
MAT 380 Mathematics and Methods Seminar (2)

Social Studies (8 hours)
EDU 323 Primary (P-5) Curriculum and Instruction: Social Studies (3)
EDU 407 Middle Childhood Methods: Social Studies (2)
HIS 212 World History 2 (3)    

Science (9 hours)
EDU 322 Primary (P-5) Curriculum and Instruction: Science (3)
EDU 406 Middle Childhood Methods: Science (2)
PHY 105 The Physical World (4)     

Candidates who complete the courses for the TESOL Endorsement must successfully complete an Educator Preparation Program.

CMP 110/120: College English (3)
BENV 300: Cross Cultural Experience (3)
ENG 210 TESOL: Theories and Issues (3)
ENG 220 TESOL: Instructional Methods and Assessment (3)
ENG 252 Introduction to Linguistics (3)
ENG 271 English Grammar (3)
ENG 312 Language Variation (3)
ENG 385 TESOL Practicum (2) - prerequisite: Admission to the Bluffton University Educator Preparation Program

ELECTIVES: (3 hours)
SOC 162 Anthropology (3)
SOC 225 Race & Ethnicity in American Society: History and Current Realities (3)
One three-semester hour language course 

July 2024
