Bluffton Blueprint in action

Darius Boeke

Design Your Life (DYL)

Using elements of a curriculum originally developed at Stanford University and modified for Bluffton undergraduates, DYL helps students get more out of (instead of just cramming more into) their college experience.

Bluffton Blueprint

Bluffton Blueprint courses

Experience adventure

At Bluffton, we embrace classroom learning, but we also know you’ve experienced education that way for many years. That’s why we developed the Bluffton Blueprint.

Four classes, one for each year of college, will help you come to new understandings through action and hands-on practice.

These classes give you the tools to overcome the challenges of life. By graduation, you’ll be ready to answer the same question John the Baptist is challenged with in Luke 3:10-14 “What then shall we do?”

The Great Adventure

In your first semester, you’ll take part in the Great Adventure to the Great Smoky Mountains of Tennessee! There, you’ll bond with your classmates, and with the help of mentors, you’ll reflect on your goals, your values and your role in society.

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The Competencies 

In addition to the the core classes, students are required to choose one course from several options to fulfill each of the following competencies. Some courses may satisfy requirements for both your major and the competencies. Together, the Bluffton Blueprint and the Competencies are a general education program grounded in the arts and sciences.

Darius Boeke

Design Your Life (DYL)

Using elements of a curriculum originally developed at Stanford University and modified for Bluffton undergraduates, DYL helps students get more out of (instead of just cramming more into) their college experience.
