

A student majoring in physics receives a core preparation in physics plus some training in math, chemistry and computer science. Physics graduates have success in industry, graduate school and graduate engineering programs.
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(51 hours)
Required physics courses:
PHY 202 Astronomy (4) satisfies Scientific Inquiry competency
PHY 211 Physics for Science and Engineering 1 (5)
PHY 212 Physics for Science and Engineering 2 (5)
PHY 326 Thermal/Modern/Nuclear/Quantum 1 (5)
PHY 327 Thermal/Modern/Nuclear/Quantum 2 (5)
PHY 360 Linear Electronics (4)

Required mathematics courses:
MAT 135 Calculus 1 (5) satisfies Critical Analysis competency
MAT 136 Calculus 2 (5)

Required computer science course:
CPS 108 Computer Programming (3)

Required chemistry courses:
CEM 121 General Inorganic Chemistry 1 (5)
CEM 122 General Inorganic Chemistry 2 (5)

The major as indicated above should be viewed as a minimum major and is satisfactory for high school teachers and some industrial positions. Students will not be admitted to most graduate engineering programs unless they also take MAT 225 and MAT 350. More computer science such as CPS 320 is also recommended for prospective engineers. Students intending to pursue a graduate degree in physics should take the extra math and computer science as described for engineers, plus they should also consider PHY 365 and/or PHY 370. PHY 390 is also recommended for students thinking about graduate school.

July 2024
