
Who works in my building? 

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Residence life staff


Residence Life
Each hall has a hall director and each floor has one or two student resident advisers. The staff members are employees of the university who live in the residence halls and are responsible for maintaining safety procedures, supporting the objectives of the university, and implementing programs of the student life division where friendships are formed and personal growth is encouraged.  

Residence Life Mission Statement
Residence life will create an environment of hospitality while advocating for holistic student development. 

Professional staff:

Michael Bryan: Coordinator of residence life 
Jenia Freewalt: Bren-Dell Hall director
Riley Mitosinka: Ropp Hall director
Searra Hough: Hirschy Hall director
Edward Hardaway: Hirschy-Annex Hall director
Danielle King: Ramseyer Hall director
Noah Heiing: Neufeld Hall director

