Chicago internship

Trin Borgman’s vocation was confirmed through experiences at The Lion and Lamb Peace Arts Center and Lima City Schools.
Borgman is ready to make an impact
Trin Borgman has always been interested in social justice issues and helping people. However, she never considered how those passions could translate into a career until she struggled with choosing a major during her senior year of high school.
“My dad actually brought up social work to me, said Borgman ’24, of Southern Point, Ohio, “I ended up taking Intro to Social Work here in my first year, and I loved it.”
Officially a social work and psychology double major at Bluffton University, Borgman’s vocation was further confirmed during a field experience last semester at Lima City Schools.
“I filled in for mentors who may have been sick or who had to miss a day, so I got to meet a whole bunch of different kids,” explained Borgman. “They were all super sweet, and it was a really good experience.”
Now, she’s considering a career in school social work but will further explore her options at the Chicago Center for Urban Life and Culture (CCULC) during the fall 2024 semester. Through the program, students from partner schools including Bluffton, live together and learn about the city, its neighborhoods and its history while completing internships, field experiences or practicums. Borgman is ready to take on a new challenge.
“I’ve never lived in a big city, so I think it’s important to have that experience,” said Borgman. “Chicago is culturally diverse, and it’s important as a social worker to better understand and immerse yourself in new experiences.”
Until then, Borgman is making the most of her final semester on Bluffton’s campus. She works as a student assistant in The Lion and Lamb Peace Arts Center and likes spending time with the Bluffton Elementary students who participate in the center’s Teaching Peace to Children program and others who just stop in.
“I really enjoy teaching younger generations,” said Borgman. “Something I learned, especially in my psychology classes, is that so much of who you become as an adult is impacted by the experiences you have as a kid.”
Borgman is also a hall chaplain for the ministry team, a member of PEACE Club and president of Social Work Club.
“Something unique that’s happened this school year is the majority of freshman who joined Social Work Club aren’t social work majors,” she explained. “It’s really cool because we get a lot of different perspectives, and it shows that there are people outside of the social work major who have these ideas of helping people and advocating for others.”
In her free-time, Borgman enjoys spending time outdoors, especially at the Bluffton University Nature Preserve. When the weather is warm, you’ll find her kayaking in the pond or hiking the trails. The nature on campus is one reason she chose Bluffton.
“I’ve always been a person who likes nature, and in the fall, Bluffton is just really gorgeous,” said Borgman. “But there’s also that closeness on campus. Even though I don’t know everyone personally, I would say I know at least two-thirds of the student body, and I’ve made really good connections with the professors. I feel like I can just go into their offices when they are available and just talk to them about anything.”
Following graduation, she plans to gain hands-on experience and work for at least a year before earning her Master of Social Work.