

The objectives of the sociology major are to teach the student the nature and functions of the social order and the social process essential to personality development. By studying our complex and changing society in depth, individuals can better accept, modify or oppose social forces in the light of their own values. The sociology major seeks to:

  • prepare the student for a career in areas involving human relations. While some sociology courses can be helpful in any vocation, students planning their life work primarily around interaction with people might consider taking sociology courses or majoring or minoring in the field. Vocational possibilities include a wide variety, both public and private, of social service and social work-related environments from criminal justice to family and child welfare agencies, teaching, vocations related to the church, personnel, probation and parole, human resources, administration in business or government, social research, race relations and other social action. In some of these vocations employment may be found upon graduation from college. For others, more specialized training in graduate school is strongly urged.
  • provide information on means of social action for those whose conscience calls them to work for social justice and peaceful resolution of conflict in families and communities - local, national, international. This knowledge is of special value for those interested in civic leadership, voluntary service and church institutions; and
  • provide students opportunity to prepare for an academic career in a graduate sociology program.

Bluffton’s sociology major is delivered collaboratively with Eastern Mennonite University and Goshen College and thus builds on the strengths of each of the three schools. Students will take a limited number of courses through videoconferencing and online learning.
More about sociology at Bluffton >



(40 hours)

Required: (25 hours)
SOC 152 Introduction to Sociology (3) satisfies Understanding Self and Society competency
SOC 225 Race and Ethnicity in American Society (3)
SOC 264 Social Theory (3)
SOC 284 General Statistics (3) satisfies Critical Analysis competency
SOC 330 Social Justice and Social Change (3)
SOC 360 Basics of Social Research (3)
SOC 365 Seminar in Social Research (3)
SOC 409 Field Experience (3)
SOC 414 Social Science Seminar (1)

(15 hours)
Choose four courses from the following:
SOC 185 Women in Society (3)
SOC 258 Social Psychology (3)
SOC 275 Criminology (3)
SOC 315 Religion in Culture and Society (3) Goshen College via video conference)
SOC 340 Special Topics in Sociology (3)
SOC 430 Environmental Justice (3) (Eastern Mennonite University via video conference)
CRJ 340 Conflict Transformation and Mediation (3)

Choose one course from the following:
SWK 240 Interviewing: Theoretical and Skill Based Approaches (3)
SWK 372 Social Welfare Policy and Analysis (3)
CRJ 320 Family Violence (3)
PLS 272 Global Politics and International Relations (3)


(21 hours)

(12 hours)
SOC 152 Introduction to Sociology (3)
SOC 185 Women in Society (3)
SOC 225 Race & Ethnicity in American Society (3)
SOC 330 Social Justice and Social Change (3)

Electives: (9 hours)
Choose 3 from the following:
SOC 162 Anthropology (3)
SOC 258 Social Psychology (3)
SOC 264 Social Theory (3)
SOC 275 Criminology (3)
SOC 284 General Statistics (3)
SOC 314 Religion in Culture and Society (3) (Goshen College via video conference)
SOC 340 Special Topics in Sociology (3)
SOC 360 Basics of Social Research (3)
SOC 430 Environmental Justice (3) (Eastern Mennonite University via video conference)
CRJ 180 Law, Justice, Society (3)
CRJ 200 Introduction to Criminal Justice System (3)
CRJ 340 Conflict Transformation and Mediation (3)

July 2024
