
Off-campus programs


Semester abroad & other off-campus programs

The following off-campus programs of study are available to Bluffton students: 


Students spend a semester experiencing the colorful culture and beautiful landscape of Guatemala! This Central American country has a population of just over 18 million people. Many Mayans continue to live in small, rural villages, dress in colorful traditional clothing and speak one of 22 indigenous languages. Guatemala is still recovering from 36 years of “civil war” called La Violencia (the violence); Peace Accords were signed in 1996.

The experience investigates the integration of ancient Mayan culture and modern life. You will see the ways in which wealth and power are unequally distributed. You will learn about La Violencia and efforts to heal the wounds of that painful experience. You will spend time in the capital city, Guatemala City, and in rural areas, particularly near beautiful Lake Atitlan. Students experience bustling markets full of locally-made crafts, visit cooperatives and learn about how those crafts are made, visit Ancient Mayan ruins, eat local foods, practice Spanish and learn to appreciate rural life and work during a home-stay. 

Bluffton students will live with Guatemalan families in Guatemala City and take Spanish classes at CASAS (Central American Study and Service) program affiliated with the Latin American Mennonite Seminary.  In addition, students have classes about Guatemalan history and culture and about making peace.  A volunteer field experience will give you the experience of a second Guatemalan community and an organization working to better the lives of the people in the community. 

While prior Spanish study is encouraged, it is not a requirement to participate in this semester experience.

Fall semester (end of August to mid-December)

Bluffton University students will take classes together as a group.

  • Spanish (8-9 hours)
  • CHS 133 Introduction to Central America (3 hours)
    This is a panoramic introduction to primary themes of history, culture and current events of Central American society. This course facilitates a cultural adaption to and entrance into the Central American realities and context.
  • CHS 233 Religious Studies: The church in Guatemala and Central America (3 hours)
    This covers the principal religious expressions found in Central America. The course focuses on the various relevant religious movements including liberation theology, the Pentecostal and Neo-Pentecostal phenomenon and the theology of “a third way” that Anabaptism offers. Mayan spirituality will also be considered.
  • CHS 234 Anthropological Perspectives in a Guatemalan Context (2-3 hours)
    An introduction to Mayan Culture. The course utilizes various anthropological perspectives and practices to understand history and Mayan culture and its role in the current Guatemalan society.
  • CHS235 The Practice of Communitarian Learning (3 hours)
    The course offers the opportunity to participate in the development of contextual social and communitarian projects. It includes a minimum of 100 hours of volunteer work, a daily work journal and a final essay in which the student analyses and reflects on the experience and the implications for life and vocation. 
  • CHS 333 Violence, Justice and Peace in Central America (Peace Studies) (3 hours)
    The course seeks to introduce the student to a variety of tools to help identify and analyze the roots and causes of violence in Central America. The situation of peace and justice in Central America, especially in Guatemala, will be analyzed along with the contributions an Anabaptist perspective makes to Christian faith.

The CASAS website can be accessed directly at: 


Discover the city life of Washington, D.C., cultural diversity, career-building opportunities, a broad range of university classes and the connections between faith and work at the Washington Community Scholars Center. Washington, D.C., is full of exciting opportunities to explore new cultures, a different pace of life and learning, and a great variety of people, each with their own worldview and passions. The city is also a place to learn about the poverty that exists in our own country, about racism which continues to affect our society and about the ways that real people are addressing these challenges. Through internships, group life and the weekly seminar class, students are encouraged to embark on a stretching journey of personal and professional self-discovery and gain new perspectives on the world we live in.

Build a resume with job skills and work experience. WCSC offers you an opportunity to explore your interests while contributing to your community with a 20 hour per week internship. We can place students from any major, including the sciences, the arts and professional programs.

WCSC’s inter-disciplinary seminar analyzes social problems, faith issues and urban experiences through reading and writing, the arts, field trips and group discussion. Guest speakers, internship visits, and history and arts tours are part of the weekly seminar course.

Classes for each term are selected from this course list.

Global Ed (Council for Christian Colleges and Universities)

Off-campus, interdisciplinary learning opportunities are available to upper-class students at Bluffton University and offer 16 semester hours of credit. For further information, visit or contact the director of global education.

Amizade Study Abroad

Amizade Study Abroad programs meet the cross-cultural requirement.  For further information,  visit or contact the director of global education. 


Central American Study and Service, part of the Latin American Anabaptist Seminary (SEMILLA), gives North Americans the opportunity to live, study and volunteer in a Latin American context. The core of the CASAS program is a 12-week, cross-cultural study term designed for students interested in studying Spanish while cultivating a broader awareness of the issues facing people in Guatemala. The term begins with eight weeks of intensive study while living with a Guatemalan family in a marginal area of Guatemala City. Students study Spanish (often, in a one-on-one setting) with experienced Guatemalan teachers and participate in visits and lectures with organizations or individuals who are experts on Guatemalan history, culture, politics and religion. During the final four weeks students have the opportunity of working in a voluntary service setting. Students may earn university credit in several areas including Spanish, anthropology and religion. Also available is an intensive Spanish-only program. For further information, contact the director of global education. The CASAS website can be accessed directly at

CIEE (Council for International Educational Exchange)

CIEE has programs in many countries around the world which are available to Bluffton University students. See their website for more information.

For additional information regarding all off-campus programs contact:
Paul Neufeld Weaver, Director of Global Education,, 419-358-3227
Marathana Prothro, Director of General Education,, 419-358-3279

July 2024
