From internship to career
Thomas Wagler will transition from quality intern to quality systems specialist upon graduation.
Finding a Job/Internship
Job searching can be overwhelming, but the right preparation and tools can make the process a lot easier! Here are some things to consider when searching for a job or internship:
How and where will I find openings?
There are two ways to find openings and we suggest you use both! REACTIVE JOB SEARCHING
is when a job seeker finds openings posted in a variety of places and applies to the
openings of interest to him/her. Some places you can find openings for this type of
job searching are Ohio Means Jobs and Ohio Means Internships, College Central Network, national job boards like Indeed and Monster, LinkedIn, and the classified ads in local newspapers. Check out this list of many more places to find job and internship openings.
The second way is PROACTIVE JOB SEARCHING, which is where the job seeker brainstorms the types of positions in which he/she is interested and works backwards to identify employers that could have those openings and proactively works to build a relationship with that organization through networking and regularly monitoring the organization's openings.
Job fairs and hiring events are another great place to find openings.
What documents do I need for job searching?
The most important document you need for a job search is a resume, but you'll also need a cover letter and reference list. Additionally, you'll want
to have some thank-you notes on hand so you can send either a hand-written note or
send an email to say thank you after an interview.
Check out this great guide to all things job-search related (documents created by the CCV):
- Resume
- Cover letter
- References
- Thank you notes
We also encourage you to create a portfolio. A portfolio is a collection of examples of your work and accomplishments. You can create and maintain an ePortfolio on College Central Network.
Here are some things that can be included in a portfolio:
- Examples of your work such as writing samples or publications
- Transcripts or previous degrees
- Videos of presentations
- Certificates or awards
- Test scores
- Copies of work evaluations
- Letters of recommendation
Congratulations! You've landed an interview. A few simple steps will help you feel
more prepared for the interview process. Here are some things to do before the interview:
- Research the organization
- See if there is someone in your current network who currently or previously worked there - they can give you insider information on what the organization is like and what they value
- Consider logistics for getting to the interview - do you know where the office is? If possible, drive by the location the day before so you can anticipate any possible delays (construction, closed roads, relocated office, etc.)
- Think about your personal preparation for the interview - clothing, scheduling, transportation, etc.
- Consider things to take with you: extra copies of your resume, a padfolio or folder with paper and a pen, list of professional references, portfolio, anything else the employer asks you to bring
- Review common interview questions (a Google search will offer lots of potential questions to consider) and contact the CCV to schedule a practice interview (if time allows)
- Brainstorm some questions you can ask the interviewer when they ask "do you have any questions for me?" - Google search again
- Review the Career Document Library in College Central Network to find many more interview preparation resources!
- More about interviewing >>>

From internship to career
Thomas Wagler will transition from quality intern to quality systems specialist upon graduation.