Digital animation

Outside of work, Sara Poiry is involved in several clubs on campus including Brave Space, PEACE Club and Writers Club.
gains storytelling experience
Sara Poiry ’23 from Graytown, Ohio has big career goals for the future. As a graphic design major and a media production minor, Poiry is saying yes to gaining as many new experiences as possible.
“Being a graphic design major, it is such a big program. Every company needs a graphic designer,” said Poiry. “I know my end goal is Disney, so I know I will have to work my way up to gain experience in a wide range of areas.”
Poiry’s most recent experience is working alongside Samantha Shrider, advancement associate for grants and alumni/donor relations, putting together a podcast.
The podcast will consist of 125 interviews of alumni to celebrate the 125th anniversary at Bluffton. Poiry is taking the interviews conducted by Shrider and determining how to edit and develop the podcast.
“I have free-range basically,” said Poiry. “I get to organize it any way I want. I can have it go by year, different experiences or questions she has asked each person.”
While currently in the listening stage of the podcast, Poiry hasn’t quite figured out how to organize it yet but is excited to tackle the project.
“This is a great opportunity to put on my resume,” said Poiry, who is also the video production student assistant in the public relations office. “Being able to know the processes of just making the podcasts and videos I make in PR definitely helps me to find stories and develop visuals.”
Poiry never imagined working in the public relations office. However, they are taking on as much practice as possible.
“Practice is everything; practice your skill as much as you can,” said Poiry. “Just try new things because you never know what may help you in the long run. I would have never thought that I was going to be working in PR, but it is going to help me in the long run in my career.”
With the end goal of working at Disney, Poiry recognizes that the more experience they get, the better chance they have at succeeding.
“I want to be a producer at Disney in digital animation,” said Poiry. “So, it does help because you have to be able to formulate a story, and take what your animators give you along with the audio to make a full story.”
Outside of work, Poiry is involved in several clubs on campus including Brave Space, PEACE Club and Writers Club.
“I knew I was going to be welcomed at Bluffton and be able to find my people,” said Poiry. “The community is what really sold me.”