Cross Cultural Forum

Applications open soon for spring 2024 experiences to the Czech Republic, Guatemala, Kentucky, the Ohio River Valley and Washington, D.C.
Transformational experiences shared
Students who participated in spring 2023 short-term cross-cultural experiences spoke during Bluffton University’s Oct. 3 Forum in Yoder Recital Hall.
Experiences included a Civil Rights tour of key southern sites; a tour of Holocaust sites in Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic; a medical service experience in Ecuador and a service experience in Kentucky/Appalachia with Mennonite Central Committee’s SWAP (Sharing with Appalachian People) program.
“Even after returning from your cross-cultural trip, the lessons you learn along the way will stick with you such as learning to be flexible, appreciating different ways of life, and being open-minded,” said Danielle King ’24, a pre-physical therapy major who went to Ecuador.
Applications open soon for spring 2024 experiences to the Czech Republic, Guatemala, Kentucky, the Ohio River Valley and Washington, D.C.