Sustain momentum

Dr. Jane Wood is one of 15 presidents selected for a year-long Presidential Renewal Program.
Supporting presidential intellectual, physical and emotional energy
Dr. Jane Wood, president of Bluffton University, was one of just 15 college presidents selected for The Council of Independent Colleges’ Presidential Renewal Program.
The year-long program includes webinars and seminars designed to help college presidents sustain their leadership momentum through extensive reading, engaged discussions and the sharing of personal narratives.
“Members of the Bluffton University Board of Trustees are very pleased and thankful that President Wood was selected for this wonderful opportunity,” said Cheryl Hacker ’81, board chair. “We are grateful for President Wood’s leadership over the past five years. We know this kind of leadership takes a relentless drive. The board will look forward to hearing about the insights she will gain from CIC’s program.”
According to information from CIC, the program will explicitly address all valences of renewal, from the intellectual scaffolding of a president’s future strategy to the physical, emotional and spiritual energy required to implement it.
In addition to structured opportunities, the program will provide opportunities for solitude and reflection with a small fellowship of presidents. Presidential partners are welcomed to seek their own renewal.
Because of a generous grant from Lilly Endowment Inc., there are no program fees to participate. Presidents and their partners are provided meals, lodging and travel stipends.
Wood became Bluffton’s 10th president on July 1, 2018.