Employee milestones
Service to students recognized
The commitment of faculty and staff to Bluffton’s mission and values leads to successful outcomes for students. Several long-serving Bluffton employees were recently recognized for this commitment during the annual faculty and staff recognition dinner where employees—reaching five-year milestones up to 30 years—were celebrated. Recognized this year were:
Front row: Hans Houshower, vice president for advancement, 20 years; Julie DeGraw, vice president for student life and dean of students, five years; Carrie Mast, administrative assistant to graduate programs in business, five years; Melissa Friesen, professor of theatre and communication, 15 years; Jonathan Andreas, associate professor of economics, 10 years.
Middle row: Art Shelly, assistant professor of computer science and network manager, 30 years; Chris Gable, administrative assistant for athletics and health, fitness and sport science, 20 years; Jodi Diller, administrative assistant for music, 20 years; Scott Shumaker, plumbing and heating maintenance, 15 years.
Back row: Steve Rodabaugh, director of personal computing, 20 years; Charles Daws, professor of chemistry, 20 years; Darryl Nester, professor of mathematics, 25 years; Martina Cucchiara, assistant professor of history, five years; Jason Swartzlander, associate professor of accounting, 10 years.
Not pictured: Will Slater, professor of psychology, 25 years.