Disability services
Students with disabilities, who wish to request accommodations, should register with the counselor for disability services early in the semester. This allows time for appropriate arrangements to be made, if appropriate. In accordance with federal laws, students requesting accommodations must provide documentation of their disability to the counselor for disability services, Jacqui Slinger, in the Learning Resource Center located in College Hall. She may be reached at 419-358-3215 or by email at slingerj@bluffton.edu
Bluffton University does not discriminate against qualified students with disabilities. The mission of disability services at Bluffton University is to ensure that qualified students with disabilities are provided access to all programs in order to maximize their educational potential, develop independence to the fullest extent possible and perform at a level limited only by their abilities, not their disabilities.
Section 504 (Americans with Disabilities Act) Coordinator
Megan Coffman, director of community life, is the official ADA coordinator for Bluffton
University. Her office is in College Hall. She can be contacted at 419-358-3376.
The ADA coordinator is responsible for ensuring that the university complies with federal regulations that guarantee qualified college students with disabilities equal access to all programs and services. Any student, faculty or staff member may contact the ADA coordinator's office for clarification of federal regulations, appeal of a grievance or resolution of a disability-related problem.
Emotional Service Animals
Bluffton University recognizes the importance of “Service Animals” as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) and “Emotional Support Animals” (ESA), which are a separate category of animals that provide necessary, disability-related emotional support to an individual with a mental or psychiatric disability that alleviates one or more identified symptoms of an individual’s disability, but which are not considered Service Animals under the ADAAA. The university is committed to allowing individuals with disabilities full-participation and equal access to the university’s programs and activities, including university housing.
Disability Discrimination
Bluffton University's policy is to provide students a prompt and fair method of resolving complaints of discrimination based upon a disability.
- Complaints of discrimination based on a disability must be forwarded in writing to the counselor for disability services, Bluffton University, 1 University Drive, Bluffton, OH 45817-2104. For additional information, call 419-358-3215.
- A complaint must be filed in writing within 15 working days after the complainant becomes aware of the alleged violation.
- Following the filing of a complaint an appropriate investigation shall follow due process procedures including an opportunity for the complainant to be heard and present witnesses and other evidence. The investigation shall be conducted by the counselor for disability services.
- A written determination of findings and a description of the resolution shall be issued by the counselor for disability services and forwarded to the complainant as soon as the investigation is completed, normally no later than 30 working days after the filing of the complaint.
- For complaints in which the counselor for disability services is involved in the decisions and/or actions challenged in the grievance, the university's ADA/504 Coordinator will serve as the alternate investigator.