
Women's studies

The women’s studies minor allows students to include in their major course of study the experience of women, including the achievements of women and the obstacles they have faced; contemporary issues that affect women’s lives; scholarly writings and creative works by women; and the theological, social, political and psychological methodologies employed to assess women’s lives.

While this interdisciplinary minor includes the study of gender as an analytic category and social construction, its primary focus is on the diversity and meaning of women’s lives. Courses provide students with an opportunity to pursue in-depth study of how issues of concern to women are addressed and understood in various disciplines.
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The minor is designed to:

  • promote the interdisciplinary study of women and gender;
  • encourage a scholarly understanding of the current issues women face academically, professionally and personally;
  • examine the impact of cultural attitudes and social structures on women’s lives;
  • explore the diversity of women’s experiences across race, culture and class;
  • gain an understanding and appreciation for women’s contributions in the arts, sciences and other arenas;
  • study gender issues in contemporary America;
  • engage in scholarly discourse that allows for the integration of this content with students’ fields of study; and
  • foster a spirit of community among women’s studies faculty and students and a commitment to work toward the goal of a just and equitable world.



(20-21 hours) 
Core course:
SWK 185 Women in Society: Contemporary Issues (3) 

Elective courses: (17-18 hours, selected from at least four different disciplines)

These courses have significant content related to women’s issues:
COM 300 Gender and Communication (3)
HIS 310 U.S. Women’s History (3)

These are “umbrella” courses that change content and can be taken for the minor if significant women’s studies content is included in the course.
ART 380 Studies in Art: Women Artists (3)
ENG 243 Studies in American Literature (3)
ENG 261 Studies in English Literature (3)
PSY 325 Special Topics in Psychology (3)
REL 312 Exegetical Studies (3)
REL 320 Historical and Theological Studies (3)
CRJ 320 Family Violence (3)
SOC 330 Social Justice and Social Change (3)
SOC 340 Special Topics in Sociology (3)

Additional courses and departmental independent studies will be considered for approval if appropriate content is demonstrated.

July 2024
